Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Finish!

My final blog is finally here... wasnt really sure what to say... other than it was a journey that I will not forget and certainly a journey that is not over.  I set out on this journey thinking I was going to school to learn about nutrition and to learn about exercise.... I learned about these things and I learned more.  The friendships that are formulated through this process will be life long... the struggles we travelled together- the pick me ups, the falures, the successes.... when one of us was down- everyone was there to pick that one up and carry them through to the next day when the day refreshed.  Everyone of us had our struggles- not one more difficult than the other- they were unique to us and for these struggles we are stronger.

You learn about mental strength, mind over matter, commitment, execution, hard work, team work, work until failure and then get back to it and do it again.  The internal strength rediscovered in ourselves is invaluable...  we walked the walk...  we made the commit... we travelled the path... and we executed.

My journey had it's share of rough patches and I was not able to exercise shortly after the halfway point.   Later, I did not travel the journey on the nutrition standpoint as well.  The effects of following the plan that Patrick has shared with us brings, health, happiness, energy, confidence, definition, weight loss....  I can speak from first hand that when you dont have the exercise and especially when you dont have the a very short period of time-   lathargy kicks in, lack of motivation, depression, weight gain.. it really kicks you in the A$$.  The natural high is gone and it is not what I want to have missing in my life anymore.  I gained a couple pounds during this period of time and then I took it off plus a couple more by just doing the diet.

This journey and experience is a life long change and although I did not reach my peak performance within these 3 months - I will reach very shortly.  Thank you all for this experience and I cant wait for the reunion  :)

I hope you enjoy my photo shoot  :)


The photos below are outside and inside Fenway Park on Monday April 18th...  celebrating my 36th bday  :)

Love yourself


  1. Miss Creative! :) You are fun. I know your "project" didn't turn out exactly as you had planned, but I also know you WILL complete your project once your back is better. Can't wait to follow it. Congrats on how far you've come and get ready to kick it soon Dottie! :) We'll be watching you! :)

  2. Whoa, looking great Dottie! Get that injury healed up, combine the power of training with your nutrition knowledge and you'll be right where you want to be. A big COMPLETE comin at ya!
