Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 75, 15 days to go

okay- thought that I was on the rise and was able to blast out the rest of this project with everyone...  well- I feel like I got kicked in the stomach...  but really it is in the back.
Couldnt do the work out last night because pain in back and arm was excruciating.  I woke up through the night with lower back pain... real sharp.... and got up this morning not being able to stand up straight.

I went to the doctors this morning, an orthopediac this time instead of calling my chiropractor.  They said I have tendinitis in my arm and in my lower back.... I have a degeneritive disc ... doctor circled it down below.

He said I have very good reason to be complaining about lower back pain.  He has put me on an anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxer, and pain killers and prescribed me 4 weeks of physical therapy 2 times a week.  Says also I have the curve in my back... not sure why but maybe related to the disc.. maybe not- also the other top to bottom view shows my spine is not straight- curves out- but he didnt give me a copy of that xray.  I want to have an MRI done to take closer look- but he said no.... go have physical therapy, no volleyball and no working out unless PT says so and if I do- I need to listen to my body.


So I am going to complete this program with my team.... but I am going to be able to do nutrition only and I will walk for an hour a day so it will be like getting the jumping rope in but non impact.

I had to cancel out of my volleyball league that started tonight, the rest of my Thursday night league, and cancel the volleyball tournament that I was suppose to play in this Saturday.

THIS SUCKS!  I AM VERY DEPRESSED....  I can never seem to get past the injuries I have and buoild strength to overcome them...

So my job for the rest of the project is to be there for all of you- support you- push you and see you all to the finish.... and I will have to do it all again when I am cleared to start again.

I pretty much have missed at least 3-4 weeks total or so of this program...  just wait until I am healthy....  :)


  1. Dottie that sucks! Sorry for your trouble and pain... I am glad you are getting some answers though... please take good care and thanks for being there up to now and till the finish, that means a lot. Be well soon.

  2. Oh - I feel SO SO bad about this. I know when you get better you'll be able to do the whole program. I'm glad you are still going to finish with us!!

  3. Bad news indeed. Get the diet right, keep those walks BRISK, and send me an email so we can figure out how to get you on track.

  4. Take care! You're gonna bounce back with vengeance, I can tell!

  5. Dottie, I too am sorry to hear all this. You will get there when your body allows. Take care of yourself first. I am glad you are listening to the MD. Following the diet and walking is great! Keep us posted on how you are feeling.

  6. Maybe this will cheer you up?

  7. hope you're doing well and feeling better dottie! sending you good wishes.

  8. This is difficult I am sure...I have learned Dottie that you are not a quitter. Remember Patrick told us at the beginning that this Project is 80% diet so do not allow this physical set-back to also undermine all the goodness you have learned about eating right. Do what you can physically and come back slowly as your body allows.

  9. Hey Dottie...

    I know you dont know who I am but I am Scott's daughter Taylor. I have recieved some new about some injuries and struggles your having to go through right at the very end of this project.

    I have your e-mail address, hope you dont mind my father giving it to me and I would love to chat and help you through...I've been down that road...far too many times.

    Just rememeber, you've made such great progress but most importantly you need to listen to your body. Keep your chin up and show everyone whatcha got!

    Look forward to hearing back :-)
