Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 55, 35 more to go...

Sorry I have become a non-blogger.  been putting my head down to get through life  :)  This is a tougher time at work as it is approaching quarter end- I am in sales... and quotas are needing to be met and hoaning on what needs to get done to meet those numbers are taking my free time. 
Not up to too much on what everyone has been doing this past week... saw some quick stuff but saw I am hitting some of what some others were...  like Heather- I had some slices of pizza this weekened...  it was not a pretty site and I didnt feel well after that... had a crazing for something- dont know what it was or how to end it- but I explored... first time in 50 something days... also tried 2 hersey kisses-  that didnt do it.... tried some nutella on bagel thin-- that didnt either and before I spun out of control even further...  I took a nap for a couple of hours because I needed to shut all of that down and I also felt sick.  Also after going out with friends later- I came home to a bowl of Fruit Loops- which was a box I bought in December or early... never opened because I am not cereal eater-- had for nephew when visits......  and forgot to give to my parents a couple of weeks ago when I gave them all my non PCP friendly and my allergy free foods.

Well,  weighed myself Monday morning and not to my surprise- I gained 3 pounds.  Not a surprise but not sure how I was going to recover or how long it would take me to recover from that....  felt ashamed and embarassed-- not to others or the team- but to myself....  but rather than beat myself up....  carry on and get back on the saddle.

Last week I did 4 days of bikram yoga, workouts, 1 volleyball tournament, 2 volleyball leagues and one night of raquetball and good diet eating with the exception of the weekend- what I shared above. 

This week I have been eating PCP friendly foods and such but have missed a couple of snacks because of leaving cooler, which was packed and ready to go- at home at the door  :( or falling asleep for the night unexpectedly before evening dinner.

Monday at the chiropractor... we made some additional progress.... found out when I am doing my ab workouts... I am rotating my pelvis forward and then trying to do activity-- not good... not sure why-- but theory is tight hip flexors... among other tight muscles and ligaments surrounding my abs, upper legs and backs.  tested some of it and there was some improvement when he massaged deep into them-- my arm flexes caused me to spank him in the butt- accidently because of pain or sensitivity- YIKES and OOPS... now I am one of those people that he will talk and laugh about.  He wants to me to some massages to break all this stuff up.... and he wants me to cut out a bunch of the ab stuff.... and do elementary stuff that he asked me to do... ball bridges- balancing on it, lifting single legs, closing eyes... sitting on inflated disc for balance and core strength...  says need to learn coordination and control of these areas and what PCP needs me to do is too advanced for me at this time- with the exception of some of it-- Planks and such.  SO I have yet to do the Unitard video- and I am saddened by this... my rippling abs are going to wait.  :(

Anyways- yesterday when I weighed myself... I was surprised to find that I had dropped them 3 pounds I gained over the weekend and dropped another .5 pounds or so....  and this morning when I did it again.... lost another .6 pounds.  I guess I threw my body into some deep shock over the weekend and it is working overdrive to burn it all off.  So to date I have lost 14 pounds.... but that is not as important as the toning that I am starting to see and the redesigning of my body...  I am not recognizing myself without closes  :) and when I have my hands rest on my hips/waste... feels good.

Had my first massage this morning at 7:30am and boy was it not a relaxing experience.... definitely worked on breaking stuff up... and then followed up at 8:30am with regular Chiro visit....  have more appointments next week... massage therapist says we have lots to do and it definitely needs attention that I must not ignore any further...  good news is that because financially I cant afford these visits- they are going to drop the $70/visit down to $40/visit if I commit to making myself better... they want to help me.....    Well- I made this committment to do PCP because I was making committment to FINALLY take care of me and put me first-- so I am going to bite this financial burden and build this debt to continue with my charter.  So laser focused on the next couple weeks at work to hit my numbers so I can make money to pay this medical bills - ugh!

I have blogged a bit today and need to put head down again.... 

Keep up the good work everyone  :)


  1. Great to read ---- sounds like things are on the up for you --- the changes are fun to discover, eh? Hope your back continues to improve. Lucky you with the massages. My mom goes weekly. I'd love that, but yep, the pocketbook would really feel it.

  2. So glad to catch up with you Dottie and it sounds like you have it all under control, riding the PCP waves with grace, awareness and commitment. That's got to be the best of the battle won. Keep taking care of you! I know you will finish strong (and 8MA will still be there whenever you are ready).

  3. Dottie, glad to hear your back is improving. It is difficult to keep to the diet at times, but as I've found, tomorrow is always a new day. Stay strong!

  4. Yep, just get it right tomorrow. And repeat for 30 more days!
