Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 61, 29 more to go.....

First day since Patrick's email about morning jumps that I have not gotten up and started my day with jumping rope....  I woke up to find out a good friend of mine has been admitted to a Hospice Center in Michigan.  He is losing his battle to brain tumors that refuse to stop growing.  He does not have much time left.  I tried making it into an 8am yoga classes so I could relax myself.. but I was 5mins late so door was locked.  Don't have a lot of focus today - just a real heavy heart.  I need to find the energy to want to lose myself in my workout..
Just another day in the real world... but happy that I have PCP to focus on my health and hopefully prevent future illnesses in my future.
Thank you Patrick and everyone for travelling this journey with me.  I am happy I dont have to jump it alone


  1. The key is that on days like this when the world kicks your ass, you sigh, dig deep, and STILL pick up the rope. That's the difference between you and 99% of the population.

  2. oh my, i feel for you and your friend and his family. i imagine his life is richer for having you in it dottie. take care. keep the pcp faith, you are doing great.

  3. Hope that you have a better day tomorrow. Keep it going!
