Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 56, 34 more to go....

Thank goodness I am on this PCP program....  if I was not- I would be drinking lots of alcohol right now

Need to leave work now and go do my workouts-- my new way of surviving a really bad day


  1. Way to be strong Dottie. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

  2. Don't suffer in silence, blog it out!

  3. Sorry about your day --- take it out on your workout! :) It will do something for you where alcohol won't!

  4. I totally get where you are coming from Dottie... have stress-drunk many a bad work day away! Keep your eye on the finish line and let the workout be your outlet. You can do it!

  5. Dottie - you are doing the right things. You need to find that balance. Two of my favorite sayings..."do the right things and the right things will happen" ... and "do not confuse activity with achievement". Stay focused on the prize!
