Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 60, 30 more to go...

Thanks everyone for comments on Friday night.  Don't worry- I did not drink on Friday night or since...  I have been very strict on my liquid intake and have not had anything except for water, milk, and recently I have been having coffee.  I did meet up with one of my girlfriends and it is easy not drinking with my friends.  They know I am not drinking for this PCP project and my allergy experiment.  It has been such a relief because do stay active and enjoy going out with my friends.  It is also nice to know that I am always a Designated Driver so I know everyone will be safe at the end of the night- 100% alcohol free.

I too as everyone else has been coming out of this crazy slump.  Last week I didnt do any yoga or my raquetball.... just PCP and volleyball league.  I felt very tired last week and over the weekend and even the weekend before.

Over the weekend I played in 2 volleyball tournaments.  I played one co-ed tournament... our end results were 10-2 for the day and we had battled it out in the Finals and won.  It was a great day for me not because of the win... but I played my position as a setter on the mens net and then I was able to be the hitter on the womens net.  I had an exceptional day hitting.  I had lots of power, I felt like I was jumping higher than I have in the past, and I got quite a few compliments on my game.  People were impressed with my strength of the day.  Sunday I played with my women's team...  I thought I would be tired and sore from playing the day before... the day was 9-6:30pm.... and had to play again at 9am on Sunday.  Well, back to setting all day and chasing after good and bad passes.  I do lots of short sprints throughout the day and jumping- but my blocking skills are not strong at all as I do not have very strong vertical from standing position.  We had a great day together...  we excelled in areas where we struggled in the past- our attitudes were great- they usually are but we had tons more laughs this day than usual.  We ended up losing in the finals in the 3rd game so finished this day with a record of 14-2.  I was so exhausted when I got home I went straight to bed and missed dinner and snack.

Yesterday I made it back to yoga afterwork and today I feel good about it...  I have been feeling really overwhelmed and I have been feeling really tired.  I am not able to pinpoint the why and the how of it... just trying to find that spark again.  I have lots going on around me and I dont feel like I have much control of it.  I have been learning to not worry about it much and to control only when I can control--- but outside people are interrupting that I cant make them stop and am not able to remove myself from the situation.  Tough position to be in... and I have found help in yoga a couple weeks ago... so I am trying to make it a priority to get to it this week so I can release this pressure and stress that I am forced with so each day can start new and fresh.  It is impacting me negatively and I have fallen to it in the past... but really fighting to beat it this round.

I also feel some hope in trying to unite with some of my family...  my sister cut all ties from my family about 8 years ago and has detached her children from us since then as well.  At the time, I had a 2 yo niece, 3 yo nephew and 6 yo nephew..... now they are 10, 11, and 14.  I have never known the reason for the separation but not seeing these kids has killed me over and over the years.  I ran into some of my brother-in-law's family over the weekend and we chatted.  I have connected with them yesterday on FB and am hoping to make a connection to my oldest nephew through them- they have been disconnected from my sister's family too for the last 3 years.  I learned that my nephew told their family that all family photoalbums that included pics of my family and bro-in-laws family- with the exception of only pictures of my sister, brother-in-law, and the kids... have been taken out and burned.  Something is really messed up with my sister mentally along with other information I know--  it upsets me and saddens me that she is so sick inside.  I just hold on to the hope that someday my family can be re-united with her kids.


  1. I hear you on being so sleepy...that was me this weekend.

    That is sad about your sister. That must be hard. Hopefully in time she can get help and I hope you can get in touch with your nephew. That would be hard.

  2. Dottie, you are one of the busiest people I know... you amaze me. As for being tired, I've been pooped (but don't manage to do half of what you do!). I am grateful for the reminder of yoga though as I have not really done much while on PCP and it puts my mind and heart in a good place (also good stretching). Sorry to hear about your sister, that must weigh on you. Take care Dottie! The PCP and team will get you through the next month and we'll all be stronger for it!
