Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 74, 16 days to go...

Everyone thanks for your support and boost.  Missing all the workouts and fun have really had an impact.  Interested read from Patrick yesterday- as what he is talking about is exactly is what has been happening to me...  I have been in slump and not on natural crack....  but never had the issue when working out on the program... felt real good and happy to be back on track at it again.

Jump ropes did not go so well- arm starting hurting so I am going to have to do the running or walking instead until my arm fully heals... stinks because jumping takes so much less time.

I committed to blogging every day so I am going to do this but lots going on that I cant spend time on it.  It is end of the quarter... lots of work to do, presentation to prepare, expenses to submit, found out my uncle passed away so I have his services Thursday and Friday which are over an hour away so will stay with my parents....

16 more days to the finish line and then back to maybe day 45 is where I want to repeat from....


  1. My sympathies as well. (I'm going back to the beginning. We can blog it out together!)
