Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 20, 70 more to go....

It's technically a new day for me here in Toronto.... feeling blah and cant get motivated to sleep....
was fooling around on and chatting with a friend back home online. 

remembered a pick me up song I use to listen to on the way into work when I used to work for Oracle Corporation back in early 2000s.  What a hell job that was- and 3 years of it.... no matter how far I exceeded my quota and how much money I earned management- it was never enough and I got beat up every day over and over.  I got in a severe car accident a month before year end and called into boss to say I might be late or not going into work next day bcuz was in car accident and just got back from hospital...  boss called first thing in morning and said- can your accounts afford you to be out of the office?  I had only 2 more deals that I was forecasting to close from Walt Disney World and they already commited dates I would get PO.  I was 142% of my annual number- President's Club locked in....  result of accident was TMJ, post concussional syndrome, bulges in my back and only one day off to recover for the next 2 months before I went on short term disability..... 
it hurt to keep my eyes open, i stuttered, i couldnt answer and process 2 simple questions if you asked me at once and much much more....  life sucked then...  very dark days

I found this song to pump me up to get me through the day.... I remember I would blast it in my car just before getting to the office to get me through the day-- and some days I would repeat it when I knew it was going to be a super tough day

Our mind is a powerful thing and a beautiful thing--- let it be strong and keep you strong through this journey on PCP...  dont give in to temptation and dont give in to what others do or want you to believe....  keep fighting the fight and we will all come out on top.....  we are making great progress and the best is yet to come and it will not come easy-- find your motivation - find your strength - look in the mirror and see it all inside of you

I am ready to tackle the new day when I wake up... refresh my strength.... refresh my attitude


  1. Sounds like a lot of pressure....

  2. Indeed, this is quite some fight club Patrick set up!

  3. Are you a coach Dottie...? you'd make a good one! Glad you survived that Oracle job... Glad you're on the team. Go Dottie!

  4. You mean you expected to sit out end of year? How lazy! :-)))))

  5. Glad you made it ok. I have also found strength in music - keep fighting.

  6. Im sure Crossbeam is a much easier place to work!
