Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 25, 65 more to go

wow, crazy to think that we are almost a third of the way through the program... sorta sad - I know that it is crazy but I am definitely enjoying the journey.  I have lots to update on since it has been a while... the laziness has to end... visable... transparent ....

Day 21  many lessons and questions
I got up at 4am and made my breakfast in the hotel room, packed my snacks for the plane and off to the airport at 4:45am... wow was I shocked that I woke up got ready, ate breakfast so early and out the door in time.  I had a lay over in Philly and had a PCP educational moment that I dont really know the answer to.... well... since on this program- all I have had to eat is chicken or fish- no red meat... well in the airport, I decided to try the infamouss steak sandwich with mushrooms.... needless to say- I wont be trying that again on this program... I got unbelievable stomach pains- sharp ones while on the plane and fel miserable on the way home to Boston- physically and emotional.  When I got home- I had some edamame and a spicy tuna roll for dinner...  house was not PCP ready since I was away for 5 days and I forgot to stop at store before I got home.  So I had a craving this night and I have not had a single craving since starting the program.  When I was at the work function the evening before=- they had all sorts of junk... fried chicken tenders, friend chicken parm, pizza, cookies, ice cream, beer wine and all other sorts of stufff.  Well for some reason- I couldnt get the idea of fresh choc chip cookies out of my head....  well at home- before PCP started- I had some cookie dough in fridge that I baked up to make room in there... well I had 2 small cookies....  and like my experience with the steak...  I had very sharp pains in my stomach...  not sure if it is because I have been gluten free since PCP started or because I have been having healthy food only....  all I know is that when I had them... cookies and steak.... I WAS MISERABLE and have no desire to try or experience them again.  I ended up falling asleep unexpectedly mid texting a friend at 7:45pm in my jeans and top.... therefore missing my workout...  DAY 21 was a day of many lessons

Day 22  back on track and happy as a bumble bee
Didnt get out of bed until 12:35pm on Saturday.  For breakfast, I had my final egg and some frozen gluten bread and some milk...  raced off to the grocery store to stock up on the new goodies.  I bought mangos and kiwi for the first time so those will be tested in the tummy in the coming days.  I bought several different bags of rice mixtures that were gluten free... one bag was all black rice... nervous to try them but you never know if you are going to like them until you try them.  I felt much happier being home and controlling my full PCP diet than travelling and relying on restaurants to do what you want them to.  They did not alway exclude butter or oils so that left some missed need items... lucky I had back ups in my hotel room fridge.  Got home from the grocery store and had to race to put them away - I managed to make time to make "lunch" for myself before leaving to a double surprise 40th bday party for high school classmates sisters.  I was surrounded by alcohol and cakes and cookies and finger sandwichs and such--- nothing was remotely appealing to me- especially after my experience the day before.  I drank water all night and thought I would get a lot of slack from my hometown friends that I hang out with all the time--- not a peep.  I told one of them weeks ago what I was dong and she happen to share that with another so we chatted a little bit about it.... two of my friends have had the gastroblasmia (??) surgery....  one had about 2 years ago and the other had it about 5 months ago.  Crazy idea to me- but they are happy but I cant imagine going through that experience and having a smaller stomach and all these limitations to life.  UGH!  Anyways, I survived the night and drove a drunk friend home, and had to stop at Dominos Pizza at 12:30am so she could get a small cheese pizza before going to bed to help sober up....  amazing how things change physically and mentally after only a short period of time and new experience.  I actually went home, had some chicken and veggies and then proceeded to complete my workout for the day ... then passed out from exhaustion feeling good and proud and happy to be home doing all the right things while others are not aware of these great new experiences I have been having.

Day 23  double date
Got up early this morning lots to do and not much time to do it.  Ate breakfast, clean the house, do laundry, unpack and finalize plans for the day.  I had two first dates set up for the day and not sure how I was going to pull it off.  First date was suppose to start at 1pm in Providence, RI... about an hour from home.  I had to text my date and ask for an extra 30 minutes because I wanted to finish my workout before meeting him.... he said go for it.. not trouble at all.  I have been chatting with for close to a month now and we have had several chats that included that I had just finished working out or needed to work out or talks about my new eating plan to exclude allergy foods of gluten, peanuts, soy and corn.... as well as potatoes because I dont them.  We went to this adult arcade and had a blast and then went off to the Cheesecake Factory for unplanned lunch-- the date continued beyond games because we were having a good time.  Cheesecake Factory for those that dont know-- are known for their BIZZILION types of cheesecake....  well- I was able to order a grilled chicken with veggies and brown rice.... waiter was very accomodating and my date was very interested when food came out that it was to my satisfaction and I was happy with it.  next came to dessert time... waiter asks and I said no... after we had already had a dialogue about it....  I shared that cheesecake probably had gluten in it (it was my way out) and my date didnt think so....  well he asked the waiter and the waiter said yes in the crust- date asked if crust could be removed... no, no and then I was off the hook  :)
So from date #1 I went off and raced to date #2 which was an hour north from where I was.... my plans for to watch Superbowl at new bar/bowling alley and have dinner.  Similar experience with dates knowing my workouts and diet and concern for foods I could have.  Date #2 asked the waitstaff before I got there if they would cook to order because of allergies and they said they would absolutely be accomodating.  Brownie points.  I ended up ordering salmon, spinach and grilled asparagus.... while he had BBQ chicken tenders as an appetizer and pizza for his meal in addition to drinking several bottles of beers.   Felt good once again to not stress about foods at the restaurant and with the company I was in...

Day 24
Pretty uneventful... back to the grind of grab and go with my portioned out meals.... got home from work ... chatted on phone and then did double workout since I was behind on workout.    I couldnt finished the leg ups because my back was in excruciating pain and the planks were not done either...  I will make them up the next workout.  Lunges - I feel the burn in my legs for sure...  Forearm raises - can get the first set above my head... after that my success dive bombs pretty quickly  Pull Ups- fat change.. only 1/4 of one so inclines are still my enemy too under my dining room table... cant wait to pull on a bar instead of the table....  I like the new exercises too.  The above the head one- band burns my skin literally with the movement so next time- tshirt ....

Day 25
Good food again.... short message bcuz I need to be on Boston in 30mins for volleyball... and then I will get home at 11pm to start my workout for today...  wish me luck.

PS. Indulgence....  not interested in it at all .... I tried and failed on Friday-- YUCK!


  1. Yeah, your stomach lining will have gotten very thin now and a greasy piece of steak is going to upset it. Interesting stuff.

  2. Monster post Dottie- really enjoyed it- good luck with the dates btw,

  3. Dottie you are totally rocking it, way to go! Even your dates sound awesome. We'll get the pullups one day I know it!

  4. Great job Dottie. Wow, 2 dates in one day. I'm impressed! Same here on the pull ups.

  5. learned your lesson about eating off PCP....tisk tisk!
