Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 31, 59 more to go...

Blogging has gotten away from me because of some chaos going on in my life but I have not aloud the rest of the PCP to get away from me.  I have been sticking with the workouts and diet as planned.  I think they have helped to keep me balanced in the things that happened since my last blog.  Without going into a lot of detail - one of the things that happened was my brother ended up having to have emergency surgery to remove is gall bladder and another one the next day to have gall stones removed.  We were told it was the result of eating too much red meat and fried food.  They found some other things inside of him that were rotting and they removed that stuff as well.  It really made me think to myself how grateful I am to have found this program and that I am learning so much about food and nutritrion.  I am fueling my body all day long rather than eating once may twice a day if I am lucky... and I am making sure that I am eating all the right things we are suppose to be eating- carbs, proteins, veggies and fruit.  I used to love putting salt on food to add flavor- but I have not done that once.  The only thing that I miss the most out of this program is that I am only allow 6oz of milk a day.  I love milk and having so little makes it not fun.

I am not going to detail the day by day as I have been out for so long. 

I will share that I dont mind the fruit dinners...  I have not been hungry before them or even after them.... not sure why but I havent been eating dinner until late...

I am still not able to do full pull-up and I struggle with doing full sets of the incline pull ups.  I also wish I had a mirror to look at or a board tied to my back so that I know I am staying straight.

Chest dips- horrible.... I cant do a full one where I bring my body to point where my body is 90 degree angle-- not sure how I am going to get through these with success....  instead I went down as far as I could where I was able to push myself back up... but couldnt even reach the minimum doing them that way.... very frustrating.

Davinci and Forward Shoulder Raises kill me as well.... I cant seem to get through all the sets with full form- reaching peak of extensions.

Will say I like the new leg exercises....  I have strong legs so these have been fun to do-- needless to say I have dead legs after them... but they feel real good to do them

Planks... I also like this as well... I have had to do them before... last week was easier than this week.... my body is starting to shake towards the end and I remind myself not to clench my fists or interlock them.

I havent been counting my jump ropes as I tend to mess up the more that I count so I jump a minute for every hundred jumps I am suppose to do and if I think I have messed up a few too many times, I add a couple more minutes to my jumps.  I have been singling jumping for a while and I'ss switch it up to running in place or kicking my feet out in front of my in alternating way.  They are not really exciting to do so rather than listen to music while doing the jumps I have been watching tv instead.

Carb diet has been pretty boring for me....  gluten free bread in morning and brown rice pasta for lunch and past dinners before this week....  not sure if there are other carbs that would be good to do ....  I bought some rice to cook but I am trying to get through the rest of the cook pasta that I made at the beginning of last week. 

Protein other than the eggs has primarily been chicken... havent had much seafood in a while and only had red meat once and the pains in my stomach were too painful for me to want to try again any time soon.

I finally returned my defective digital camera this weekend and they didnt have any others that I was interested in so I did not get a chance to take a new photo this weekend.  As soon as I get a new one- I will take a new picture.

I was able to play volleyball for 3 hours over the weekend and even though I am not seeing much change to my body, my volleyball game is more powerful and I am using more proper form and less lazy techniques.... this will provide great value in a couple more months to me in May.  Can't wait



  2. Hey Dottie - good to see you up blogging again...sorry to read about your brother but happy he is on the mend. Wow, certainly is a stark reminder about why you can benefit from the PCP. The pull-ups and dips will come. Couldn't do but one pull-up first time out but now can do a few. Stay true.

  3. Hey Dottie, sorry to hear about your brother. I do wish him a quick recovery. I feel the same as you regarding most of the exercises. The shoulders kill as well. Keep it up! Also, I'll be sure to send Wyatt up north to help you with that plank!

  4. Dottie, I love catching up with your posts. But gosh, sorry about your brother. I will send him some good vibrations from Vancouver! Glad to hear the PCP is making your game more powerful. I just realized the third picture on your blog header is you! I mistook that for your "goal" person. You look so awesome and strong in that shot. Keep it up!

  5. I hope your brother recuperates from surgery very soon and congratulate you on all the good, hard and honest work you're doing. Keep it up!

  6. Sorry to hear about your brother although it's interesting what they said about it regarding his food intake. Great blog.
