Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 41, 49 more to go...

not much to blog aboout today....  I have been jumping rope the last three days before eating or drinking anything in the morning.... I have not done any strength training yet as my back has not felt up to it to date.  Part of it is fear of doing something that is going to set me back to square one- which was the forearm raises using my light bands.    Last night I played raquetball for 40 mins and felt no pain.  After raquetball I had volleyball league which I played and havent played since last Thursday night. 
Everything seemed to go well but towards the end of the night my back started hurting.... so I took it easy towards the end of the night.  Also halfway through the night my body was exhausted and tired... not my muscles at all- but I didnt have any energy- no pep and I couldnt stop yawning.  I dont know if I used up all my fuel for the day.... the only thing from my day that I didnt eat yet was the dinner snack of veggies.

Patrick- any input? 

This morning I woke up this morning with some pain in back but did the jump rope... once I got over 300 jumps things started to feel better... I am going to definitely start the strength training tonight and see how it goes...  I have the chiropractor in the morning so hopefully he can continue to help improve my condition.

Pretty down that I have missed so many days and now I am afraid of not being able to move around again when I do try it again tonight...  wish me luck!  No pain No gain!


  1. Stay positive and play for the long game, not just Day 90 but Day 900. A few missed days won't mean much if you really change your lifestyle and get your food right.

  2. Dottie, like the big man himself says, diet is 80% of this thing, so a few missed workouts won't matter much. Stay focused on your diet until your back heals and you restart your PCP exercises. We're thinking of you.

  3. Good luck dottie! Take good care, eat well and you'll be back in the swing soon I hope.
