Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 39, 51 more days to go...

Hi Everyone... it is great to see all the progress and great successes that everyone has been having.  I on the other hand have been having a rough couple weeks.  The stress of my brother and running around to help the family... trying to maintain my very busy volleyball league schedule and getting my workouts in late late late nights have been wearing on me.  The big kicker for me this week was Thursday night at vball - my lower back started hurting again- didnt do anything specific to tweak it but certainly felt some pain....  played through it and then rested for a little bit that night while watching friends band play down the street from league.  I got home and started my workout at 1:30am.  I thought about skipping because of my back but wanted to muscle through it... well- that was not a good idea...  I felt it real bad in my shoulder workout and then couldnt do the second ab exercises... tears came to my eyes with pain and I called it a night.  When I woke up in the morning- I could not stand up straight at all.    Called chiropractor for emergency visit... took my in right away... got treated and felt better but during treated... he witnessed me not being able to stand again- and tears pouring down my face...  feel so helpless when this happens and it is very frustrating.  I got extra treatment and was able to walk out of the office standing up and off to work I went.  He told me not to do my workouts for the day and I had to come back tomorrow for another treatment.  Needless to say I was not very happy-- I feel every time I workout and make progress-- some injury from the past sets me back again.

I went back on Saturday morning for treatment... had another tough day-- back hurts when I sit too long and it hurts when I stand to long- cant seem to get comfortable.  I sacrum is locked on my lower left side and it triggers the chronic pain I have in my lower right side...  this is from a car accident that I had over 10 years ago ... maybe in 22 years ago when I got hit by a car while riding my bicycle... not too sure-- too many times I have been victim of being stuck by a car.  I brought in the new workouts that Patrick sent to us on Friday and the chiro said no workouts until he sees me again on Monday.  Injuries SUCK!

Been keeping up with my diet - although I have missed some fruit snacks during the day... and I missed dinner and snack on Friday night because I fell asleep before 8pm.  I have not cut out carbs because of missed workouts because I have been hoping to be able to workout if the back felt better- even though Dr. said no.  I went back yesterday for another treatment... was sore when I walked in and felt good when I came out... best I have felt since Thursday night.  He said to come back on Wednesday and we will see how I am feeling.  I had some soreness yesterday afternoon and was thinking about trying to workout- but I opted to wait to see how I felt today. 

I woke up this morning and I felt good.  I jumped out of bed and grabbed my jump rope and started jumping-- going to do this in the morning from now on since Patrick's email said to do so.  My have been flat with my weight for 3 weeks-- not gaining or losing... and I think partly because I have been doing my workouts often times after midnight- and the metabolism shuts down so I am not getting the benefit of these workouts.  My back felt pretty good after the jumps and I felt happy that I was able to do them.  I struggled through the first 5oo jumps... messing up quite a bit and it was frustrating... but I stuck with it and eventually got my rhythm and bang out the last 900 with less hassle.  Consulted with Patrick as far as wear to pick up with the work outs... and he said start with regular schedule...  no going to lie-- quite nervous to try pistol squats based on what everyone is saying about them and afraid that my left knee wont be able to handle them--- but going to do the best that I can and hope for the best...  if I suck and break- hopefully the chiro will put me back together tomorrow morning.

I am excited to get through tonight.  I have playoffs for one of my volleyball leagues and then I am not signing up for next session.  I need to reduce the evening activites that I have that are keeping me up and out late at night.  I am burning out trying to get everything done and I cant do it all when I leave my house at 8am and dont come home until after 11pm.  I am going to replace my vball with some Bikram yoga.  I have done it a few times in November and December- but tweaked my back in one of the exercises so that put me out for a couple of weeks.  I really enjoy it and want to take advantage of it again.  This time I know what exercise not to do that will cause pain again.

I really love this PCP experience....  I just need to bounce back and come out strong tonight.  I will be better at blogging but I dont like to be a debbie downer and that is what I have been feeling like lately.  I have been trying to muscle through this and stay focus-- but excited I feel good and should be operating full throttle again starting today.  I still have not gotten a new camera yet so I dont have updated photos... I will work to get that done this week sometime.


  1. Your back situation would be very frustrating! Hopefully it will start feeling better soon.

  2. Hey Dottie, sounds like you've been having a rough time, hopefully you're now on the mend. Make sure that you keep blogging though, especially when times are tough. Hopefully we're all here to offer some support when you need it.

  3. Hey Dottie, good to have you back. Take care of yourself and listen to your body.

  4. Dottie, it is so great to hear from you. I hope you are having a better day today. I am sending you waves of good vibes for a speedy recovery. Just do what you can, no more, no less and that will be more than enough. We are rooting for you!!!
