Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 19, 71 more to go....

Not really feeling like blogging.... so not going to be very exciting one folks

Day 18
Travelled to Toronto from Boston.. thought I was avoiding the storms but ended up finding some here.   It definitely is tough to try and feel comfortable on the PCP in a new city to me and not sure what the portions are for the week-- only cuz I didnt get to do prep due to travel schedule.  Made breakfast this morning at 4:45am before jumping in car for the airport and packed a couple of apples for snack.  Didnt get lunch until after 2pm when I finally made it to Toronto- some delays during the connecting flight.  Was able to get my workout done in my room without too much trouble...  took a couple rooms to get the right one but high ceiling in the end made it great.

So Toronto has the underground system....  I took my backpack and went on a walk....  and found some good stuff... which alleviated some of the stress that I was feeling about being here...  take a look to see what I was able to add to what I already had with me when I got back to my room

So I found a little grocery store where I bought a "food" for breakfasts... snacks and lunches... figuring that I would buy some dinner or at least the protein portion of dinner and eat from the food I bought to fill any gaps.  I also found a store across the way that sold a egg poacher- which is microwaveable.... perfect for my hotel room with microwave- so I was set up for success.  Good night and off to bed early I went for at least 8 hours of sleep.

Day 19
Got up early this morning and did my jump ropes... ran around to get ready to meet co-worker for day and then made my breakfast....  poached egg, wheat bread- not good because of allergy- but not sure what else to eat that is gluten free (first time eating wheat since we started which doesnt make me happy) and then some peppers.  Packed food for snack lunch and snack
Went out to lunch with co-worker and one of our partners.  Had a salmon sandwich with side salad.... dont think I had enough veggies and had on pita- bread product again- bad!
Got back to hotel, had a snack and took a power nap- exhausted.  When I got up worked out and then went and go dinner from lobby restaurant.  Salmon again...  brought it back to room-- weighed my portion and trashed the rest.  Veggies looked very soggy and with butter- not what i ordered... but didnt have energy to go back down... instead i opened up fridge and had veggies I had and a piece of bread for my carbs.
Time to call it a night.

And information shared by Patrick in latest emails-- no obvious changes here....  except for skin-- things have popped up and status quo with everything else.

I feel like I may be failing at this thing when it comes to water intake....  not much of a drinker of anything during the day-- trying to be better but not thirsty much so I dont think about it.

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