Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17, 73 more to go

Hello Everyone- sorry for the delay in blogging.... busy pretty busy and I dont have computer at home, left work one at work so it is tougher to go online with my blackberry to do this stuff than it was with my droid-- which will be still lost under and additional 2 feet of snow this week.  I am currently trying to keep my head on at the moment but have I posted update weekly photos

Day 14
I finished up the week last week with the jump ropes..... I did a couple hundred more on Friday because I wanted to fill in the gap of the jumps I missed earlier in the week.    Friday night I actually had a quiet night and rested at home-- allowing for the new muscle growth to do their thing.

Day 15
Got the new PCP diet honestly havent had the chance to compare amounts from one week to another yet, since I converted mine to grams and had my excel cheet on my work computer in the office.  Weekend eating for me was a little chaotic because my pre measured or cooked food or available food was either gone or low.  I was not prepared for this and it really through me off mentally because I was on the go so much.  I have been pretty routine about the eating things.... and Saturday morning followed my routine and after breakfast realized that it was new diet and I had followed old diet... havent looked at the difference but it was too late to make any changes to the morning.  Lunch time I followed new diet info.... but forgot to eat my lunch snack because I forgot to take it with me.  Did the first workout... not to shabby... push ups are definitely getting easier- maybe not easier... I am able to do much more than I initially... cant believe how quickly it is all coming along.  Knee felt better in workouts- chiropractor did adjustments on my knee and I didnt have the krackling on Friday... and has slight on Saturday  :)   New band workouts...  definitely a struggle but I like the rest of people on here are not getting tired with rowing.  I have moved my body far away stretching the band... I am sitting straight- using arms only- and dont feel it in my back.  I have a friend that is a trainer so I am going to do some of these things with him so he can watch form and help correct anything that I may be doing wrong.

Dinner time I was at friends house.... they ordered a pizza and I ordered a salad with grilled chicken added.  I didnt eat the croutons so I missed my carb intake.  When I got home I had my snack and chilled for the night- was completely exhausted and fell asleep by 11am.

Day 16
Sunday was tornado in the morning.  Up at 6:45am to get ready and be at volleyball tournament at 9am over an hour away.  Never addressed the shortage of food yesterday which again created havoc in the morning.  had to cook an egg for 2nd day in row rather than having hard boiled easy to grab... had milk.  Used up the rest of the cooked chicken, brown rice pasta.  Both portions were not enough.  So I grabbed some canned tuna to help out with the protein knowing I would need it.  I threw some grape tomatoes and raw green beans in the with chicken and pasta.  I grabbed 3 apples too for snacks.  Oh and I grabbed raw green beans for the road.... but realized later that I didnt grab enough- I took 50g instead of 110g because I looked at my carb # instead of veggies-  ugh!  So clearly I didnt not have enough food for the day and my body totally knew it.  For the first time in this program..... my stomach was growling and I was beating on it.  I played 5 matches (10 games) in my tournament.  It was in a facility that sold packed rice krispy treats, granola bars and other snack bar good--- definitely not anything that I could eat.  I stuck to what I had and was looking forward to eating when I got home.  Well after tournament- team went out to chain restaurant here... Pizzeria Uno's for drinks and food.  I ordered water with lemon and I grilled salmon (no butter, no oil) steamed broccoli and brown rice.  Dont think there were enough veggies... a little bit too much rice and maybe too much salmon... but I was hungry and ate all of veg, all of salmon and 3/4 of rice.  Stopped at grocery story on way home- terrible selection... no gluton free pasta in this place so bought egg noodle... and some chicken, mushrooms, and something else I cant think of. 

I am learning for me, what I need to be successful with this program is to continue to make time to cook and to prep food for my active schedule.  I dont have another person to help me do this so I need to be really disciplined about making the time to have food on hand.  I went from a full stocked fridge to scraping to find things that I could put together to make my portions whole.  This will hurt me and I know it.... and dont want this to happen.

Day 17
I am leaving for Toronto Canada for work Tuesday morning til Friday afternoon and I am nervous on how I am going to accomplish this but know that I will be fine.  I like structure and control of I do.... and not having that on the road will be flustering.  I dont have a handle on the portions I am suppose to be eating because I couldnt do all the prep and measuring I did last week knowing I will not be around this week.  I think I am going to pack my scale with me and see if I can do some shopping at a local grocery store while I am there and just eat more raw foods rather than restaurant foods.

Breakfast and lunch went well today-- scrambled around this morning trying to pull it all together and rush out the door for work-- lots to get done before I am out.  Looking forward to working out when I get home.  I definitely prefer the jump roped over the options that Patrick sent out last night...  would rather suffer with 10 mins then over 30-60mins of cardio.  I have been trying not jumping feet together so I can do more isolated work on my left leg... I feel as though I am favoring my right currently even though I am trying to not.... and I have been trying to be mindful of it in the other exercises to...  I really want to have balanced legs and not know which leg has been damaged and which has not.  73 more days to go and lots more work to do


  1. Like you say, it seems that it's all about preparation. I feel like I LIVE in the produce aisle at the grocery store now, but it's totally worth it because I haven't found myself worrying about where to find PCP-ready food, at least when I am at home. I'd recommend you go to Idylwilde Farm down the road on the way home tonight and stock your fridge. You will be so much happier when you get back from Toronto.

  2. I feel the same way as you regarding the preparation. Andy is right, buy a TON of veggies and fruit. Also get glass snap-lock containers. They are great! You can portion out all your meals for 3 days with them... Keep up the good work!

  3. for sure take your scale... it was helpful on my last trip. good luck... you can do it!

  4. Dottie you will find that many folks seem PCP tolerant, meaning, when you order off a restaurant menu order PCP style...they will do it for you. For example, tonight I ordered the salmon brushed with Olive Oil vs. Honey problem. I also ordered the grilled veggie panini...veggies on the side without the aiolo and the 7-grain bread on the side. Paid for both meals, then slimmed down the portions...seemed to work.

  5. Ha! Sounds like real life to me! I'm finding more and more that this is all about the planning. You need to be thinking at least 3 meals ahead the entire time, and I've nearly been caught out on more than one occassion. It seems that you're doing great through, well done. Scott, I too was suprised about how tolerant chefs and restaurants can be. Not once have I been greeted with any difficulties when it comes to ordering off-piste...
