Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11, 79 more to go....

Challenges and set ups are trying to interfere but I will not let them win.

Day 10
Woke up with my back killing me....  I have a bad back and some how I triggered it through either sledding, working out or sleep the day before - or maybe combination of the above.  I sit in a cube all day on the phones so it doesnt help when I stand up- cant stand up straight until muscles get all warmed up.  I was really bummed because I didnt want this to impact my PCP.  I struggled through the day real bad... some moments almost in tears because the shooting pains can be crippling.... I just kept getting up throughout day to try and keep it warm.  Was suppose to try raquetball with a co-worker after work- but luckily she forgot her raquet at home  :)  so I was not disappointed.  Strange thing happened-  chiropractor office called at the end of work day to check in and see how I have been feeling and if I was needing any appointments soon---  funny thing- I DO!!!   They couldnt take me that evening but I made an appointment for 8am the next morning. 
So I figured I would go home and workout and see what happened.  And any damage I did- he could fix it when I woke up.  SoI went straight home and started working out.  It was not a pleasure by any means- I favored my left leg on my jump ropes....inclines hurt for sure, push ups had stabs of pain.... band work was good but boy do I have a lot of muscle to build there-- da vinci's are brutal.  Sit ups were painful too but boy did I feel good that I powered through it and didnt let it get the best of me  :)  What a great feeling.... so I rewarded myself with my PCP dinner after and then my PCP snack just before bed....  asleep before 11:30pm to get up at 7:00am.... 

Day 11
Woke up with the back feeling pretty good.  Get ready for work, packed food for entire day- breakfast- lunch- dinner.... was easy because I have everything already measured out and in containers for my grab and go life  :).  Off to the chiropractor I go.  So snowing again today.... well got to the top of the ramp and slipped taking the corner to the office...  good news- I didnt fall and hurt back more... bad news- I flung my cell phone into the unknown abyss of snow plowed piles....  didnt see where it went... not sights of point of entry... and ringer is off--- and no phone insurance-- UGH!  UGH! UGH!  Doctor tried helping locate it no success....  appointment went well-- all cracked and feeling good....  couldnt find phone after appointment either...  BAD DAY....  crazy traffic on way to work because of accidents in the snow storm- not mine  :)

Ate my packed breakfast when I stopped at home to pick up old phone and ate lunch in the office.  Tonight will be interesting because I am going to the Celtics game tonight for a work function.  Going to meet at the bar before game to give tickets to guests and then off to a suite full of food and drinks.  Should not be a problem for me-- as I had stopped drinking over a week before because I want to see how much impact alcohol has on my allergy side effects--- who is going to argue with me when I say I have Gluten allergy  :)  I have my dinner packed and with me too... so just have to figure out when I am going to eat it...   tough part is that I am probably not going to get home until after 11pm and I have to do my workout then   :(   but I get to wake up tomorrow morning and see the Chiropractor and hope to find my phone  :)


  1. Your post sounds like...real life! :)

  2. Great post. I'm a firm believer that those with the tighter schedules are usually the people who manage to always make time for extra activities. In my experience, when someone tells me they are too busy to do X or Y, it's because they are being lazy and have really nothing to do, but are too ashamed to admit it. Yes, I know I'm sounding a bit intolerant, but I guess it's just my way of congratulating you on being able to squeeze in the PCP in your life.

  3. Wow, you're amazing. I hope your back feels better soon. Awesome commitment, way to go!

  4. Not to shamelessly self promote but I WROTE A BOOK FOR YOU!!!!



    Rub some dirt on it, and get back in the game!

    Way to grit it out girl!

  6. Soon there will be a TV mini-series based on the escapades of Dottie. For those who might read these comments you should know that Dottie did not drink, or eat any of the non-FOOD served at the Boston Celtics game. She with-stood a lot of peer pressure too. Way to go Dottie...way to go. And by the way, I agree with Andy, dirt is very healing.
