Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 1... Only 89 more to go!

Hello Everyone! 

I finally made it to this blogging spot and figured out how to post...  I will be very lucky if posting will the most challenging part of these 90 days  :)  I know, wishful thinking.  I am looking forward to this adventure, committment, change, and \ friendships... miles and miles apart and some not so far apart.
I am pretty lucky in this journey as I have two co-workers participating in this project with me.  Having this support system and energy not to give up and to be able provide the support to them is very exciting for me.  I look forward to seeing all of our results.

Blogging is brand new to me, so I will start off this with a little about me.  I live in Massachusetts, United States and have lived here my entire life.  I am 35 years of age and am not married, nor do I have children.  I have participated in sports since I was 6 years old and continue to play sports today.  I am actively playing volleyball at least 3 times a week and using this project to really improve my performance to be ready for the National tournament at the end of May.  I am only 5'4" so I would love to working increasing my vertical to help with blocking and spiking skills..... but I am a setter so being short is not so terrible.  I also participate in broomball leagues, softball leagues and kickball leagues throughout the year.  I will share more about me over the next 89 days ....  and I look forward to learning more about all of you.

Soooo.... today was the first day of the project.  The diet is to eat half of what you would normally eat....  that is pretty easy for me as I dont eat too much anyway.  My schedule causes me to skip lots of meals because I dont take the time to plan my meals and pack for the day to travel with me.  I am looking forward to this project so I can learn more about nutrition and being more structured and disciplined about eating.  I have a hard time eating when I dont feel hungry but I am sure that will change with all the exercises that we have in addition to my normal activities.  So today I will share what I ate and look forward to the changes in the future.  I had a Healthy Choice- Chicken Carbonara Dinner, glass of milk and Starbucks Mocha Frappachino.....  I know it is not enough to feed my body but I am looking forward to the future changes.

The first workout is complete and I am happy that I have taken the first step to this new beginning.  The jump roping was pretty easy for me.  The squats were successful as well, but I get concerned when I do them only because my left knee sounds like Rice Krispy cereal when you poor milk in it....  I have had 6 knee surgeries on my left knee over the years....  there is no pain with them- just fear because of the sound- but I am working to overcome that my completing what I am asked to do.  The push ups were tough at the end.  I went for 8 reps in each set... and I certainly struggled in my final set and I had a similar experience with the sit ups....  but I look forward to crushing these reps and sets in the future.

I have blogged more than I thought I would... thank you for sharing this journey with me and I cant wait for tomorrow's experience!!!!


  1. Good luck! I will be watching!

  2. OK we go! Very excited we can push one another to the finish line. - Scott

  3. I LOVE Boston! It is my favorite city! Lived there for 5 years. You are doing a great job...2 weeks are done :)
