Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5, 85 more to go...

I did it... just finished my 5th workout just a little bit ago....  wasnt feeling well today so didnt start my workout until 11:45pm tonight and finished after midnight.  As the night dragged on, I really was not looking forward to having to workout and then going to sleep after....  where would I get the energy to work out at almost midnight- well I am excited that I found it somewhere and I felt stronger as well as excited the deeper I got into it.  Crazy I know... granted it wasnt smooth sailing...  tripped up a couple times on the jumping rope part-- started in socks and after first set switched into sneakers  :)    during the squats- both knees sounded like rice krispy cereal rather just the left bad knee....  push ups I was able to do 8-8-5-5-5....  was very exciting that I was able to do 2 sets of 8 in a row... some day I will be able to get them all done-- hopefully....  sit ups- my least favorite and not sure how my success and results will be here... my core is sooo weak and the area that I would love to improve the most... time will tell...

heard another song on the radio today that had me thinking....   F'ing Perfect by Pink

You are perfect and I am sure of it--  now go to the mirror and repeat it every morning and every evening!!!!

Keep fighting the fight everyone  :)

1 comment:

  1. Dottie: I'm loving your songs...I needed this one today. Thanks for posting. I love the diversity of all of us PCPer's....makes for fun reading! :)
