Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13, 77 more to go.....

I really enjoy seeing the number of days left decrease  :)  the end is in sight for sure.

So on Day 11, I did survive the Celtics game entertaining prospects for business.  I actually received a lot of peer pressure from co-sales people from companies that my company works very closely with... even had the prospects giving me some pressure too because the other sales people said they would get me to drink before end of night.  The evening when from 5:15pm to 1:30am and I stayed strong and true to the program.  I drank water all night and at the game in the suite- I nibbled on some carrots and celery that was being served with fried buffalo chicken wings and fried chicken tenders.  They also served pizza, nachos and cheese, cheese and crackers too.  Dont get me wrong- I was tempted to eat the pizza for sure- my favorite food along with salad and oreos.... so that is why I am surviving on PCP okay- cuz I love salad  :). 
I kept telling myself- I have my food in the car...don't blow the hard work- dont like your peers down- and most importantly dont let yourself down.  It was such a refreshing to know I didnt fall to convenience eating - I just needed to wait a couple more hours for the stuff I had.  I didnt end up eating until 1:30am when I got home.  The other thing going through my mind was I need to get workout done- how am I going to get it done-  end all be all is that I didnt get it in... I was so exhausted from my day- I didnt have it in my to try and force out a workout that I knew I wouldnt perform at with proper form and energy.

(I also have to give thanks to Scott for all is emails through the night giving me support to stay strong to PCP)

                                                 Kissing the Celtics World Champion Trophy

Day 12- GUILT
I felt so guilty not getting my workout in....  I felt like I betrayed myself and felt like I was cheating myself.  I dont do well with not following through with what I commit to do.  I know that this will not happen again because it weighed on me all day.  What do I do now....  do I skip to next day.... do I fall day behind..... do I double up...  so I ask Patrick what to do.... do I keep quiet.... do I go public...  it was awful.    Well- here it is... I missed my work out on Day 11.  Cant change it- just learn from it and move on.  So had chiropractor at 8am again....  looked for my phone again-- no luck and as we speak - it is buried under another 16 inches of snow... it is gone until spring.  Great day with the eating food except left my veggies for breakfast in the car in morning so was lunch time when I realized it.  Volleyball league was at night- 7-10:30pm... was expecting cancellation because of the big snow storm so didnt pack dinner....  guess what?  volleyball was not cancelled.... was so hungry after and mid way through league and energy levels dropped but nothing I could do...  didnt have any food with me.  Went to the local bar after with team for usual $5 burger and beers-  I was going to order something else of course... but kitchen closed early in bar because of storm....  we left and went to another.... understaffed because of storm.... we left and went to couple other places....  I needed food and didnt want to wait til home because I still needed to do my workout.  Ended up at breakfast place.  Got poached egg, english muffin... came with homefries...  those were untouched because I hate potatoes... forgot to ask for veggies and didnt have night fruit.  On drive home was blizzardous.. no visability but got home at 12:45am...  battled with idea of workout-- but didnt want to miss 2 workouts- debated it but friend texted me "work out time?"  .... and because I couldnt lie I said "yup" and started jumping rope at 12:53am on Day 11's workout...and then I did lunges... then decided to do the squats from Day 12....  then did the pull up inclines from Day 12 and then rowing from Day 11 and then continued going down the list doing both workouts from Day 11 and Day 12 to catch up.  Didnt want it hanging over my head that I missed a workout or I slacked or I didnt do what I commited to do.  I was so dead at the end of the night.... finished at 2:08am... but I did it and I could go to bed just 700 jump ropes behind.

Day 13 unscathed
When I woke up at 7am this morning I thought I would wake up this morning not being able to move and lifeless- NOT TRUE AT ALL.  Granted I wasnt perky because I am never perky in the morning- but I was not hurting at all after a double work out.  Felt real good about that.  Worked from home today because of the 15 inches of snow that fell from 1am and beyond.... so had head in work all day today causing me to eat meals much later because forgetting about time and I have been upstairs away from kitchen all day.  
Had first gluten free labeled item today- rice pasta.... was pretty good- didnt taste bad at all  :)   I need to figure out what carbs I can be eating- need to spend more time trying to figure this stuff out....  had egg noodles for every meal for carbs until today having rice pasta.  Potatoes are definite no- YUCK. and definitely have wheat allergy- possible full gluten allergy--- suggestion welcomed

Thoughts un upcoming exercise.... 
lunges-- they kill me... my legs burn and I struggle to make the last couple of the final sets... weak quads from the 6 surgeries on my left knee- never fully rehab after the last 2 surgeries 3 years ago. 

rowing- seem too easy- have 10lb band so think I need to get stronger one

ovations- definitely a workout.. try to stay straight and contract should blades when I do these to keep from rolling forward- feel the burn

tricep dips- noticed today in picture i should be bent knee rather than straight knee so have been doing them wrong- must be why I dont feel the burn... just have felt weak

forward should raise- very weak and get tired here-- used a lighter band here that I have.. and still tough... struggle to get my arms to raise up to shoulder height very mind above-- need to go to store and buy another easier band-- guessing I am not getting full value it not going full range.

leg ups- struggle with this because of back- all life have struggled because back pops when I bring near to floor and raise... not sure I am getting the most out of this-- legs get tired... but dont feel in my abs at all.

So with all this said.... I am off to do somewhere between 700-1400 jump ropes rest of work out.... rope delta to 1400 will be done tomorrow on easy.


  1. Just reading about your schedule makes me tired!
    Ok, I shouldn't be giving out medical advice here, but since we are in this together, here is some suggestions regarding your pain:
    Lunges - don't bring your knee past your ankle. If you still have pain, just do a 'mini' lunge, it's not worth it. Post-surgical knees that still have pain are tough. Maybe you should go back to do some straight leg raises that I am certain you were doing in rehab.
    Forward shoulder raises - most of us women have difficulty with these, it's not just you. Keep at it, you will get stronger
    Leg ups - Most likely your back hurts you because your abdominals are too weak to protect it. Make sure you pull your navel to your spine and try and keep a neutral spine when doing these. If your back hurts you may need to shorten the range you are moving at the hips until your abdominals start to get stronger
    (I hope Patrick isn't pissed I'm giving out advice. I just can't keep it in when people have pain when doing exercises that are supposed to make them stronger)

  2. Heather thanks for the advice. Wil try to not go so deep in lunges... I will stick with the raises as is... Leg up-back pops when I am between the 6-12 inch range going up and coming down. Will stick with it- does help a little bit when I contract my core before starting.

  3. Straight leg triceps dips are fine, the knees is just to get you started, straight legs is where it's at.

    You'll never get a deep burn rowing but you'll feel it the next day. Has to do with the nature of the back muscle.

  4. I think the social pressure will definitely be the hardest thing here. Good job resisting it at the game.

  5. You remind me of my college days....going here there and everywhere! Fun to read your posts....make me smile!

  6. Dottie, you are a whirlwind wonderwoman. It's awesome that you're also focusing on your health and wellness, given how busy your day-to-day life is. You inspire me!

  7. nice job on not drinking! Go Lakers!

  8. It's great to hear you were able to keep your eye on the ball!
