Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4.... 86 More to Go

Got up this morning and got my workout done right away....  I didnt want to have to think about it all day because I have volleyball league from 7-10pm.  I am NOT a morning person by any means so I was impressed with myself that I got up and got it done.  I thought to myself if I got it done in the morning.... I literally didnt have to think about doing it for 24 more hours.

So on my way into work.... I heard a song on the radio that I liked and had heard before...  sang the chorus to it but also started thinking how much it related to this project....  you can make your own assessment....

It's Time for Change Everyone!!!!  And one thing is for sure... you are NOT ALONE on this journey!!!  Keep up all the work and keep laying down the strong foundation- keep your minds strong and our matters will fall off.  :)


  1. thanks for the song Dottie... love it.

  2. Cool song. And I agree and wish that I can keep up with doing the entire routine in the mornings.
