Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6, 84 more to go....

Can you believe it, less than 8 hours later I did my next work out?  What a great feeling.  I wanted to tackle this workout because I have lots of my plate for today and I didnt want it lingering over my head all day.  So I jumped out of bed this morning, put Pandora on my phone for some background music today- strange enough- I found another song to add to my collection...  funny how they show up and it was the 2nd song that played under the Rihanna channel...    here is the song for today

My fire is definitely lit and I am working real hard at keeping it burning... making it a point to do these workout and fuel my body.  This adventure is not going to be a breeze but I think the toughest part is keeping the focus on yourself because if you are not taken care of- then you cant take care of anyone else.

So here I am at work.... so gotta run and then off to volleyball league tonight

500 jump ropes tomorrow?!?!  not sure how I am going to keep track of how many I do...  hmmmm

Have a great day everyone!


  1. I did the 500 this morning in 5 sets of 80. Not too different from 5 sets of 70. Also, when doing the last set, I tried counting backwards and it really helped me finish.

  2. Man, I understand the inspirational sentiment of the lyrics, and I can see how that would be good music to exercise to, but I'm regretting pausing MY Pandora (Grateful Dead channel playing Jerry Garcia Band doing Second That Emotion) for this schlock!

  3. Working out to Grateful Dead?!?!

  4. Pink RULES! thank you so much.

  5. Yes, you'll be amazed how doing all this physical stuff actually makes you feel more energized than just laying around.

  6. Hi Dottie, I'm a former PCPer. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog from time to time. I wish you all the best in your program.

    Wow, it's really great to see you have so much gusto for the program. I got up and got to my workout ASAP so it was over and done too when I was on the PCP. I was up at 5:00 AM sometimes and, after I worked out, it was so great to know I had the whole day ahead of me.
