Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2 - 88 More Days to go....

What a day.... I am completely exhausted and about to head to bed.  I will say that I am proud of myself for muscling through my workout tonight.  I had a volleyball tournament today which started at 9am and finished about 5:30pm today....  my team won the whole thing.... after 13 games.  I have not played with my team in a tournament since the end of November.  It was so great to be back on the court with them again.  Needless to say, my legs were completely exhausted and was not looking forward to going home to do my workout.  On the drive home a messaged a couple friends to see what they were doing for the Pats vs. Jets game - since the game was already underway- and a nice excuse to delay my workout....  excellent, plans were made and I was on my way... but then I kept thinking about my workout and the longer that I put it off after my long day playing- the harder it would be to get motivated to do it or execute.  :(  I messaged my friends and apologized but I was going straight home instead!!!  ugh... but I did it and resisted the temptation to hang out and have a couple drinks while watching the game. 
Remember I said jump roping was a piece of cake last night.... not as easy today... tripped a few times but I did every jump and did a couple extra after the couple trips... wanted to ensure I got them all in.  My legs started shaking in the middle of the second set of lunges... I was going to do the least that we were asked to do- but when doing them- I pushed out the 10 each because I really want to get the most out of this and I am guessing these will be the easier of all workouts so "enjoy" them while I can.  Pushups were not as painful as I thought they would be... I actually did them a little different.  I did 4 sets of 5 reps starting out didnt the minimum but added the extra set to make up for the less reps... I am too competitive with myself and I am not a liar so didnt want to cheat myself or my support system.  The legs lifts were a breeze during the 1 set and had no back popping like I usually do when I try these activity... but sure enough- not knowing what changed the back popping started and continued through the 2nd and 3rd set....  I do have bulging discs in my lower back but I am hoping this will be less and less of an issue as I build my core and the strength in my lower back.
So... I was sooooo happy and proud that as much as I wanted to skip my workout tonight because I certainly got one today running around the volleyball court - it is time for me to sign out and fall asleep because I am exhausted....  cant wait to be sore all over tomorrow ...            NOT!!!

Good night everyone....  sad that the Pats lost tonight


  1. Way to go Dottie. Don't know if you have seen Patrick's team groups but we are on the same syrprise I guess since we at least in the time zone. Congrats on the volleyball tournament and even better that you pushed through your temptation...nicely done.

  2. Hey Dottie; Good for you! Congratulations on the tournie win too. We are on the same team together. Looking forward to "working out" with you. Go for it!

  3. Impressive that you actually bailed on the fun to get the workout in. I am thinking that if I'm not careful, it will be VERY easy for a day to get away from me. Hopefully I'll follow your lead...
