Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9, 81 more days to go... picking up some speed

Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have been out of touch for the weekend...

Day 7....  500 jumpropes
another snowstorm on Friday so had my head down in work and then was busy with friends Friday night..... seemed like an easy day having only to jump rope... well- it was probably my worst day of jumping-- keep tripping and heart was racing...  I tend to believe it is because I had a real bad day eating since starting...  I had been eating salads and strangely enough not factory food....  well in the morning- I didnt eat at all...  then at lunch I had a healthy choice frozen meal. and same for dinner....  looked in fridge and saw that I had an old tub of cookie dough... and decided to bake the rest of what was in there.....  I am definitely not a dessert eater- but I did on Friday- I ate 3 cookies-  UGH!!!  and the only reason did it was I didnt want to waste it....  even though Patrick shared with us that more people are overweight...  I figured my last taste of bad sugar for 3 months....  so I am believing my bad choices in eating had a great impact on my workout- lesson learned.

Day 8.... first day of PCP diet and fresh workout
got out of bed late, about 10:30am- didnt go to bed until after 3am....  didnt have breakfast carbs or morning veggies in the house since I didnt go shopping the day before because of the storm....  so I had 2- 4oz yogurts which was my milk allotment for breakfast.....  so I skipped the carbs, veggies and protein--- NOT GOOD.  but I didnt want to have anything that I wasnt suppose to out of convenience.  So off to the grocery store I went..... got all kinds of good stuff-- tons of veggies and fruits and chicken and fresh tuna and more.  For the first time- I have made my first gluten free purchases....  bought gluten free bread, rice pasta, and brown rice pasta.....  I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy 17 years ago- never really did anything about it.... just been suffering with tight chest, bloching, hives and itchiness at various times.  I also have an allergy to soy, peanuts and corn--  doesnt make healthy eating easy for me without penalty.  I did some reading up on foods to avoid when you have a wheat allergy on Friday afternoon... need to figure out how to eat carbs but avoid my allergies.  Through my reading I found out that gluten free is for those with wheat, rye, and barley allergy--- I think this is me... must since I really hive up when I drink red wines and beer too....  so I took the plunge and decided if I am going to do this- I am going to do what is most healthy for me-- time to stop suffering.  I didnt eat so much when I got home since it was between lunch and dinner when I got back from the store....cant remember what I had....  but off to the workout--
600 jumps.... push ups, did 8-7-7-7... improving there....  squats- knee still the same- no pain but sounds not good....   cell phone rings- friend is at my house-  so I had to do the rest of the workout with her here...  felt weird- but muscled through the band work-- wow!!!! and crutches-- AHHHH - all done!    So friend is aware of the program-- I actually told her about it the night I found out about it from former PCPer Andy and current PCPer Scott--  she crashed at work hotel that night with me... told her what I learned and that I was going to do it..... so we together made my first official PCP meal....  pulled out and used for the first time my 3 tier steamer machine that my parents bought me for Christmas in 2009....  we were going to make veggies.... tuna.... and brown rice....--  took us a while to figure it all out... but then opted to steam shrimp instead of the tuna since I am not a good cook and really didnt know what I was doing and it was after 9:30 pm when we finally got the thing all assembled and cooking....  well-- result... food was not good- rice didnt really cook- had to switch it to stove top--- veggies were not cooked enough and the shrimp worked out....  oh well-  next time I try a new machine-- I start much earlier and after PCP is over   :)

Day 9.... full day at it
got up this morning.... my friend, Jen, went off to have breakfast with her friend.... which left me to try my first PCP breakfast in my kitchen--  well- it didnt taste so good....  I am going to make something tasty one of these times (I hope) --- I think I should have spent more time in the kitchen with my mom when I was living at home rather running out the door to play sports.  After breakfast, I tore into my fridge....  started measuring and prepping foods for the week....  cooked my carbs up, cooked up breast of chicken, separated my fruits outs, measured out my milks portions for a few days- putting everything into tupperware containers for my grab and go life....  oh yeah- ate some blackberries for snack during it all....  took me a while to do all of this....and had fun doing it--  was sending text messages to fellow PCPer of my various portions...  made it interesting.  you get the idea..  realized it was 1pm and needed to eat lunch- as I did- friend came back to my kitchen full of food, containers, aromas of this amazing chef , NOT!  We chit chatted as I finished up cutting, cooking, measuring, packaging, and when it was all over- off she went.... and off I went to go sledding with my friend Heather and her 2 sons.  On my way over- made sure I grabbed my snack of grapes with me--- ready to go and ate them in the jeep on the way over to the house-  what a good time- sledding down a steep hill- hitting jumps, falling off sled, losing control and hitting fresh powder and then climbing back up the hill... then sled down again... and back up again---  felt real good because I didnt feel tired at all with my several pounds of clothes on and the multiple hikes up this steep hill-- felt real good because friend and her sons were tuckered out and I was ready to go on for much longer.    When I got home- cooked dinner.... tuna, broccoli and left over brown rice--- I couldnt finish it... I was sooo full and stuffed.... I tried forcing it down even with breaks- but couldnt do it.....  I dont think I have eaten so much food in one day as I have today....  and I still have dinner snack to go and my work out....  not sure how I am going to get it done-  makes me ill thinking about eating more food... and hoping that I dont get ill when I do my workout later....   I think I am going to have to get up early tomorrow to get my day 10 workout done before heading off to work tomorrow--- dont want to feel like this tomorrow night

This is definitely an interesting experience so far....  having the good, the bads, the not tasty but yet through it all.... still filled with fire to do this- to be successful....  was hoping that through this process I would learn to love the flavor of food- but because I am still the one preparing it- I dont think that is going to change here....   ;)   I seriously need to find a male chef and make him my boyfriend/fiance/husband ASAP!!!

Took my weekly photo yesterday too- that will be posted by end of day tomorrow

Wish me luck- I have less than 2.5 hours to get my workout in before midnight-  good night all!


  1. Whoa, epic post. As your palate comes back you'll get more flavor out of foods that seem bland now.

  2. Dottie --- you're keeping it real. Feels like a blah Thanksgiving, eh?!

  3. Long but very rich post DB. Keep it up!

  4. The foods dont seem bland- they have plenty of taste.... but my cooking skills are not making them so pleasant... I will either find or become a gourmet chef by the end of all of this :)

  5. I am with you! My cooking skills aren't great either. Found myself eating a chicken breast on whole wheat bread with nothing else on it today. Blah.... Have to do more shopping and more prep I guess. Keep going!
