Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3, 87 more to go...

I am not much in the mood for blogging today.  Tough day at the office in a couple ways... but it motivated me to get out of the office by 5:30pm go home and let off some steam through my workout.  I definitely was not in the mood to work out when I have moments like these but knew I would feel much better after it was all said and done....  so as soon as I got in the house, I put down my things and went immediately to my designated workout place that I have created.  I ripped right through my workout today.. jump roping went much faster because rather than hopping in between each jump, I just went straight through-- boy does it go by much faster... but maybe worse in the sense because I was double jumping so maybe getting more of a workout that way....  who knows.  Squats went pretty easily and knee is still rice krispies but oh well.  Push ups.. some day I will conquer them all at once but I did 4 sets of 5.  Sit ups went smoothly... until the last 3 of the final set-- thought my abs were going to burst....  happy that I felt pieces of my workout today.
I had soreness today ... but I know tomorrow will feel worse than tomorrow but as they say- no pain no gain.

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