Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17, 73 more to go

Hello Everyone- sorry for the delay in blogging.... busy pretty busy and I dont have computer at home, left work one at work so it is tougher to go online with my blackberry to do this stuff than it was with my droid-- which will be still lost under and additional 2 feet of snow this week.  I am currently trying to keep my head on at the moment but have I posted update weekly photos

Day 14
I finished up the week last week with the jump ropes..... I did a couple hundred more on Friday because I wanted to fill in the gap of the jumps I missed earlier in the week.    Friday night I actually had a quiet night and rested at home-- allowing for the new muscle growth to do their thing.

Day 15
Got the new PCP diet honestly havent had the chance to compare amounts from one week to another yet, since I converted mine to grams and had my excel cheet on my work computer in the office.  Weekend eating for me was a little chaotic because my pre measured or cooked food or available food was either gone or low.  I was not prepared for this and it really through me off mentally because I was on the go so much.  I have been pretty routine about the eating things.... and Saturday morning followed my routine and after breakfast realized that it was new diet and I had followed old diet... havent looked at the difference but it was too late to make any changes to the morning.  Lunch time I followed new diet info.... but forgot to eat my lunch snack because I forgot to take it with me.  Did the first workout... not to shabby... push ups are definitely getting easier- maybe not easier... I am able to do much more than I initially... cant believe how quickly it is all coming along.  Knee felt better in workouts- chiropractor did adjustments on my knee and I didnt have the krackling on Friday... and has slight on Saturday  :)   New band workouts...  definitely a struggle but I like the rest of people on here are not getting tired with rowing.  I have moved my body far away stretching the band... I am sitting straight- using arms only- and dont feel it in my back.  I have a friend that is a trainer so I am going to do some of these things with him so he can watch form and help correct anything that I may be doing wrong.

Dinner time I was at friends house.... they ordered a pizza and I ordered a salad with grilled chicken added.  I didnt eat the croutons so I missed my carb intake.  When I got home I had my snack and chilled for the night- was completely exhausted and fell asleep by 11am.

Day 16
Sunday was tornado in the morning.  Up at 6:45am to get ready and be at volleyball tournament at 9am over an hour away.  Never addressed the shortage of food yesterday which again created havoc in the morning.  had to cook an egg for 2nd day in row rather than having hard boiled easy to grab... had milk.  Used up the rest of the cooked chicken, brown rice pasta.  Both portions were not enough.  So I grabbed some canned tuna to help out with the protein knowing I would need it.  I threw some grape tomatoes and raw green beans in the with chicken and pasta.  I grabbed 3 apples too for snacks.  Oh and I grabbed raw green beans for the road.... but realized later that I didnt grab enough- I took 50g instead of 110g because I looked at my carb # instead of veggies-  ugh!  So clearly I didnt not have enough food for the day and my body totally knew it.  For the first time in this program..... my stomach was growling and I was beating on it.  I played 5 matches (10 games) in my tournament.  It was in a facility that sold packed rice krispy treats, granola bars and other snack bar good--- definitely not anything that I could eat.  I stuck to what I had and was looking forward to eating when I got home.  Well after tournament- team went out to chain restaurant here... Pizzeria Uno's for drinks and food.  I ordered water with lemon and I grilled salmon (no butter, no oil) steamed broccoli and brown rice.  Dont think there were enough veggies... a little bit too much rice and maybe too much salmon... but I was hungry and ate all of veg, all of salmon and 3/4 of rice.  Stopped at grocery story on way home- terrible selection... no gluton free pasta in this place so bought egg noodle... and some chicken, mushrooms, and something else I cant think of. 

I am learning for me, what I need to be successful with this program is to continue to make time to cook and to prep food for my active schedule.  I dont have another person to help me do this so I need to be really disciplined about making the time to have food on hand.  I went from a full stocked fridge to scraping to find things that I could put together to make my portions whole.  This will hurt me and I know it.... and dont want this to happen.

Day 17
I am leaving for Toronto Canada for work Tuesday morning til Friday afternoon and I am nervous on how I am going to accomplish this but know that I will be fine.  I like structure and control of I do.... and not having that on the road will be flustering.  I dont have a handle on the portions I am suppose to be eating because I couldnt do all the prep and measuring I did last week knowing I will not be around this week.  I think I am going to pack my scale with me and see if I can do some shopping at a local grocery store while I am there and just eat more raw foods rather than restaurant foods.

Breakfast and lunch went well today-- scrambled around this morning trying to pull it all together and rush out the door for work-- lots to get done before I am out.  Looking forward to working out when I get home.  I definitely prefer the jump roped over the options that Patrick sent out last night...  would rather suffer with 10 mins then over 30-60mins of cardio.  I have been trying not jumping feet together so I can do more isolated work on my left leg... I feel as though I am favoring my right currently even though I am trying to not.... and I have been trying to be mindful of it in the other exercises to...  I really want to have balanced legs and not know which leg has been damaged and which has not.  73 more days to go and lots more work to do

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 13, 77 more to go.....

I really enjoy seeing the number of days left decrease  :)  the end is in sight for sure.

So on Day 11, I did survive the Celtics game entertaining prospects for business.  I actually received a lot of peer pressure from co-sales people from companies that my company works very closely with... even had the prospects giving me some pressure too because the other sales people said they would get me to drink before end of night.  The evening when from 5:15pm to 1:30am and I stayed strong and true to the program.  I drank water all night and at the game in the suite- I nibbled on some carrots and celery that was being served with fried buffalo chicken wings and fried chicken tenders.  They also served pizza, nachos and cheese, cheese and crackers too.  Dont get me wrong- I was tempted to eat the pizza for sure- my favorite food along with salad and oreos.... so that is why I am surviving on PCP okay- cuz I love salad  :). 
I kept telling myself- I have my food in the car...don't blow the hard work- dont like your peers down- and most importantly dont let yourself down.  It was such a refreshing to know I didnt fall to convenience eating - I just needed to wait a couple more hours for the stuff I had.  I didnt end up eating until 1:30am when I got home.  The other thing going through my mind was I need to get workout done- how am I going to get it done-  end all be all is that I didnt get it in... I was so exhausted from my day- I didnt have it in my to try and force out a workout that I knew I wouldnt perform at with proper form and energy.

(I also have to give thanks to Scott for all is emails through the night giving me support to stay strong to PCP)

                                                 Kissing the Celtics World Champion Trophy

Day 12- GUILT
I felt so guilty not getting my workout in....  I felt like I betrayed myself and felt like I was cheating myself.  I dont do well with not following through with what I commit to do.  I know that this will not happen again because it weighed on me all day.  What do I do now....  do I skip to next day.... do I fall day behind..... do I double up...  so I ask Patrick what to do.... do I keep quiet.... do I go public...  it was awful.    Well- here it is... I missed my work out on Day 11.  Cant change it- just learn from it and move on.  So had chiropractor at 8am again....  looked for my phone again-- no luck and as we speak - it is buried under another 16 inches of snow... it is gone until spring.  Great day with the eating food except left my veggies for breakfast in the car in morning so was lunch time when I realized it.  Volleyball league was at night- 7-10:30pm... was expecting cancellation because of the big snow storm so didnt pack dinner....  guess what?  volleyball was not cancelled.... was so hungry after and mid way through league and energy levels dropped but nothing I could do...  didnt have any food with me.  Went to the local bar after with team for usual $5 burger and beers-  I was going to order something else of course... but kitchen closed early in bar because of storm....  we left and went to another.... understaffed because of storm.... we left and went to couple other places....  I needed food and didnt want to wait til home because I still needed to do my workout.  Ended up at breakfast place.  Got poached egg, english muffin... came with homefries...  those were untouched because I hate potatoes... forgot to ask for veggies and didnt have night fruit.  On drive home was blizzardous.. no visability but got home at 12:45am...  battled with idea of workout-- but didnt want to miss 2 workouts- debated it but friend texted me "work out time?"  .... and because I couldnt lie I said "yup" and started jumping rope at 12:53am on Day 11's workout...and then I did lunges... then decided to do the squats from Day 12....  then did the pull up inclines from Day 12 and then rowing from Day 11 and then continued going down the list doing both workouts from Day 11 and Day 12 to catch up.  Didnt want it hanging over my head that I missed a workout or I slacked or I didnt do what I commited to do.  I was so dead at the end of the night.... finished at 2:08am... but I did it and I could go to bed just 700 jump ropes behind.

Day 13 unscathed
When I woke up at 7am this morning I thought I would wake up this morning not being able to move and lifeless- NOT TRUE AT ALL.  Granted I wasnt perky because I am never perky in the morning- but I was not hurting at all after a double work out.  Felt real good about that.  Worked from home today because of the 15 inches of snow that fell from 1am and beyond.... so had head in work all day today causing me to eat meals much later because forgetting about time and I have been upstairs away from kitchen all day.  
Had first gluten free labeled item today- rice pasta.... was pretty good- didnt taste bad at all  :)   I need to figure out what carbs I can be eating- need to spend more time trying to figure this stuff out....  had egg noodles for every meal for carbs until today having rice pasta.  Potatoes are definite no- YUCK. and definitely have wheat allergy- possible full gluten allergy--- suggestion welcomed

Thoughts un upcoming exercise.... 
lunges-- they kill me... my legs burn and I struggle to make the last couple of the final sets... weak quads from the 6 surgeries on my left knee- never fully rehab after the last 2 surgeries 3 years ago. 

rowing- seem too easy- have 10lb band so think I need to get stronger one

ovations- definitely a workout.. try to stay straight and contract should blades when I do these to keep from rolling forward- feel the burn

tricep dips- noticed today in picture i should be bent knee rather than straight knee so have been doing them wrong- must be why I dont feel the burn... just have felt weak

forward should raise- very weak and get tired here-- used a lighter band here that I have.. and still tough... struggle to get my arms to raise up to shoulder height very mind above-- need to go to store and buy another easier band-- guessing I am not getting full value it not going full range.

leg ups- struggle with this because of back- all life have struggled because back pops when I bring near to floor and raise... not sure I am getting the most out of this-- legs get tired... but dont feel in my abs at all.

So with all this said.... I am off to do somewhere between 700-1400 jump ropes rest of work out.... rope delta to 1400 will be done tomorrow on easy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11, 79 more to go....

Challenges and set ups are trying to interfere but I will not let them win.

Day 10
Woke up with my back killing me....  I have a bad back and some how I triggered it through either sledding, working out or sleep the day before - or maybe combination of the above.  I sit in a cube all day on the phones so it doesnt help when I stand up- cant stand up straight until muscles get all warmed up.  I was really bummed because I didnt want this to impact my PCP.  I struggled through the day real bad... some moments almost in tears because the shooting pains can be crippling.... I just kept getting up throughout day to try and keep it warm.  Was suppose to try raquetball with a co-worker after work- but luckily she forgot her raquet at home  :)  so I was not disappointed.  Strange thing happened-  chiropractor office called at the end of work day to check in and see how I have been feeling and if I was needing any appointments soon---  funny thing- I DO!!!   They couldnt take me that evening but I made an appointment for 8am the next morning. 
So I figured I would go home and workout and see what happened.  And any damage I did- he could fix it when I woke up.  SoI went straight home and started working out.  It was not a pleasure by any means- I favored my left leg on my jump ropes....inclines hurt for sure, push ups had stabs of pain.... band work was good but boy do I have a lot of muscle to build there-- da vinci's are brutal.  Sit ups were painful too but boy did I feel good that I powered through it and didnt let it get the best of me  :)  What a great feeling.... so I rewarded myself with my PCP dinner after and then my PCP snack just before bed....  asleep before 11:30pm to get up at 7:00am.... 

Day 11
Woke up with the back feeling pretty good.  Get ready for work, packed food for entire day- breakfast- lunch- dinner.... was easy because I have everything already measured out and in containers for my grab and go life  :).  Off to the chiropractor I go.  So snowing again today.... well got to the top of the ramp and slipped taking the corner to the office...  good news- I didnt fall and hurt back more... bad news- I flung my cell phone into the unknown abyss of snow plowed piles....  didnt see where it went... not sights of point of entry... and ringer is off--- and no phone insurance-- UGH!  UGH! UGH!  Doctor tried helping locate it no success....  appointment went well-- all cracked and feeling good....  couldnt find phone after appointment either...  BAD DAY....  crazy traffic on way to work because of accidents in the snow storm- not mine  :)

Ate my packed breakfast when I stopped at home to pick up old phone and ate lunch in the office.  Tonight will be interesting because I am going to the Celtics game tonight for a work function.  Going to meet at the bar before game to give tickets to guests and then off to a suite full of food and drinks.  Should not be a problem for me-- as I had stopped drinking over a week before because I want to see how much impact alcohol has on my allergy side effects--- who is going to argue with me when I say I have Gluten allergy  :)  I have my dinner packed and with me too... so just have to figure out when I am going to eat it...   tough part is that I am probably not going to get home until after 11pm and I have to do my workout then   :(   but I get to wake up tomorrow morning and see the Chiropractor and hope to find my phone  :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9, 81 more days to go... picking up some speed

Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have been out of touch for the weekend...

Day 7....  500 jumpropes
another snowstorm on Friday so had my head down in work and then was busy with friends Friday night..... seemed like an easy day having only to jump rope... well- it was probably my worst day of jumping-- keep tripping and heart was racing...  I tend to believe it is because I had a real bad day eating since starting...  I had been eating salads and strangely enough not factory food....  well in the morning- I didnt eat at all...  then at lunch I had a healthy choice frozen meal. and same for dinner....  looked in fridge and saw that I had an old tub of cookie dough... and decided to bake the rest of what was in there.....  I am definitely not a dessert eater- but I did on Friday- I ate 3 cookies-  UGH!!!  and the only reason did it was I didnt want to waste it....  even though Patrick shared with us that more people are overweight...  I figured my last taste of bad sugar for 3 months....  so I am believing my bad choices in eating had a great impact on my workout- lesson learned.

Day 8.... first day of PCP diet and fresh workout
got out of bed late, about 10:30am- didnt go to bed until after 3am....  didnt have breakfast carbs or morning veggies in the house since I didnt go shopping the day before because of the storm....  so I had 2- 4oz yogurts which was my milk allotment for breakfast.....  so I skipped the carbs, veggies and protein--- NOT GOOD.  but I didnt want to have anything that I wasnt suppose to out of convenience.  So off to the grocery store I went..... got all kinds of good stuff-- tons of veggies and fruits and chicken and fresh tuna and more.  For the first time- I have made my first gluten free purchases....  bought gluten free bread, rice pasta, and brown rice pasta.....  I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy 17 years ago- never really did anything about it.... just been suffering with tight chest, bloching, hives and itchiness at various times.  I also have an allergy to soy, peanuts and corn--  doesnt make healthy eating easy for me without penalty.  I did some reading up on foods to avoid when you have a wheat allergy on Friday afternoon... need to figure out how to eat carbs but avoid my allergies.  Through my reading I found out that gluten free is for those with wheat, rye, and barley allergy--- I think this is me... must since I really hive up when I drink red wines and beer too....  so I took the plunge and decided if I am going to do this- I am going to do what is most healthy for me-- time to stop suffering.  I didnt eat so much when I got home since it was between lunch and dinner when I got back from the store....cant remember what I had....  but off to the workout--
600 jumps.... push ups, did 8-7-7-7... improving there....  squats- knee still the same- no pain but sounds not good....   cell phone rings- friend is at my house-  so I had to do the rest of the workout with her here...  felt weird- but muscled through the band work-- wow!!!! and crutches-- AHHHH - all done!    So friend is aware of the program-- I actually told her about it the night I found out about it from former PCPer Andy and current PCPer Scott--  she crashed at work hotel that night with me... told her what I learned and that I was going to do it..... so we together made my first official PCP meal....  pulled out and used for the first time my 3 tier steamer machine that my parents bought me for Christmas in 2009....  we were going to make veggies.... tuna.... and brown rice....--  took us a while to figure it all out... but then opted to steam shrimp instead of the tuna since I am not a good cook and really didnt know what I was doing and it was after 9:30 pm when we finally got the thing all assembled and cooking....  well-- result... food was not good- rice didnt really cook- had to switch it to stove top--- veggies were not cooked enough and the shrimp worked out....  oh well-  next time I try a new machine-- I start much earlier and after PCP is over   :)

Day 9.... full day at it
got up this morning.... my friend, Jen, went off to have breakfast with her friend.... which left me to try my first PCP breakfast in my kitchen--  well- it didnt taste so good....  I am going to make something tasty one of these times (I hope) --- I think I should have spent more time in the kitchen with my mom when I was living at home rather running out the door to play sports.  After breakfast, I tore into my fridge....  started measuring and prepping foods for the week....  cooked my carbs up, cooked up breast of chicken, separated my fruits outs, measured out my milks portions for a few days- putting everything into tupperware containers for my grab and go life....  oh yeah- ate some blackberries for snack during it all....  took me a while to do all of this....and had fun doing it--  was sending text messages to fellow PCPer of my various portions...  made it interesting.  you get the idea..  realized it was 1pm and needed to eat lunch- as I did- friend came back to my kitchen full of food, containers, aromas of this amazing chef , NOT!  We chit chatted as I finished up cutting, cooking, measuring, packaging, and when it was all over- off she went.... and off I went to go sledding with my friend Heather and her 2 sons.  On my way over- made sure I grabbed my snack of grapes with me--- ready to go and ate them in the jeep on the way over to the house-  what a good time- sledding down a steep hill- hitting jumps, falling off sled, losing control and hitting fresh powder and then climbing back up the hill... then sled down again... and back up again---  felt real good because I didnt feel tired at all with my several pounds of clothes on and the multiple hikes up this steep hill-- felt real good because friend and her sons were tuckered out and I was ready to go on for much longer.    When I got home- cooked dinner.... tuna, broccoli and left over brown rice--- I couldnt finish it... I was sooo full and stuffed.... I tried forcing it down even with breaks- but couldnt do it.....  I dont think I have eaten so much food in one day as I have today....  and I still have dinner snack to go and my work out....  not sure how I am going to get it done-  makes me ill thinking about eating more food... and hoping that I dont get ill when I do my workout later....   I think I am going to have to get up early tomorrow to get my day 10 workout done before heading off to work tomorrow--- dont want to feel like this tomorrow night

This is definitely an interesting experience so far....  having the good, the bads, the not tasty but yet through it all.... still filled with fire to do this- to be successful....  was hoping that through this process I would learn to love the flavor of food- but because I am still the one preparing it- I dont think that is going to change here....   ;)   I seriously need to find a male chef and make him my boyfriend/fiance/husband ASAP!!!

Took my weekly photo yesterday too- that will be posted by end of day tomorrow

Wish me luck- I have less than 2.5 hours to get my workout in before midnight-  good night all!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6, 84 more to go....

Can you believe it, less than 8 hours later I did my next work out?  What a great feeling.  I wanted to tackle this workout because I have lots of my plate for today and I didnt want it lingering over my head all day.  So I jumped out of bed this morning, put Pandora on my phone for some background music today- strange enough- I found another song to add to my collection...  funny how they show up and it was the 2nd song that played under the Rihanna channel...    here is the song for today

My fire is definitely lit and I am working real hard at keeping it burning... making it a point to do these workout and fuel my body.  This adventure is not going to be a breeze but I think the toughest part is keeping the focus on yourself because if you are not taken care of- then you cant take care of anyone else.

So here I am at work.... so gotta run and then off to volleyball league tonight

500 jump ropes tomorrow?!?!  not sure how I am going to keep track of how many I do...  hmmmm

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5, 85 more to go...

I did it... just finished my 5th workout just a little bit ago....  wasnt feeling well today so didnt start my workout until 11:45pm tonight and finished after midnight.  As the night dragged on, I really was not looking forward to having to workout and then going to sleep after....  where would I get the energy to work out at almost midnight- well I am excited that I found it somewhere and I felt stronger as well as excited the deeper I got into it.  Crazy I know... granted it wasnt smooth sailing...  tripped up a couple times on the jumping rope part-- started in socks and after first set switched into sneakers  :)    during the squats- both knees sounded like rice krispy cereal rather just the left bad knee....  push ups I was able to do 8-8-5-5-5....  was very exciting that I was able to do 2 sets of 8 in a row... some day I will be able to get them all done-- hopefully....  sit ups- my least favorite and not sure how my success and results will be here... my core is sooo weak and the area that I would love to improve the most... time will tell...

heard another song on the radio today that had me thinking....   F'ing Perfect by Pink

You are perfect and I am sure of it--  now go to the mirror and repeat it every morning and every evening!!!!

Keep fighting the fight everyone  :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4.... 86 More to Go

Got up this morning and got my workout done right away....  I didnt want to have to think about it all day because I have volleyball league from 7-10pm.  I am NOT a morning person by any means so I was impressed with myself that I got up and got it done.  I thought to myself if I got it done in the morning.... I literally didnt have to think about doing it for 24 more hours.

So on my way into work.... I heard a song on the radio that I liked and had heard before...  sang the chorus to it but also started thinking how much it related to this project....  you can make your own assessment....

It's Time for Change Everyone!!!!  And one thing is for sure... you are NOT ALONE on this journey!!!  Keep up all the work and keep laying down the strong foundation- keep your minds strong and our matters will fall off.  :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3, 87 more to go...

I am not much in the mood for blogging today.  Tough day at the office in a couple ways... but it motivated me to get out of the office by 5:30pm go home and let off some steam through my workout.  I definitely was not in the mood to work out when I have moments like these but knew I would feel much better after it was all said and done....  so as soon as I got in the house, I put down my things and went immediately to my designated workout place that I have created.  I ripped right through my workout today.. jump roping went much faster because rather than hopping in between each jump, I just went straight through-- boy does it go by much faster... but maybe worse in the sense because I was double jumping so maybe getting more of a workout that way....  who knows.  Squats went pretty easily and knee is still rice krispies but oh well.  Push ups.. some day I will conquer them all at once but I did 4 sets of 5.  Sit ups went smoothly... until the last 3 of the final set-- thought my abs were going to burst....  happy that I felt pieces of my workout today.
I had soreness today ... but I know tomorrow will feel worse than tomorrow but as they say- no pain no gain.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2 - 88 More Days to go....

What a day.... I am completely exhausted and about to head to bed.  I will say that I am proud of myself for muscling through my workout tonight.  I had a volleyball tournament today which started at 9am and finished about 5:30pm today....  my team won the whole thing.... after 13 games.  I have not played with my team in a tournament since the end of November.  It was so great to be back on the court with them again.  Needless to say, my legs were completely exhausted and was not looking forward to going home to do my workout.  On the drive home a messaged a couple friends to see what they were doing for the Pats vs. Jets game - since the game was already underway- and a nice excuse to delay my workout....  excellent, plans were made and I was on my way... but then I kept thinking about my workout and the longer that I put it off after my long day playing- the harder it would be to get motivated to do it or execute.  :(  I messaged my friends and apologized but I was going straight home instead!!!  ugh... but I did it and resisted the temptation to hang out and have a couple drinks while watching the game. 
Remember I said jump roping was a piece of cake last night.... not as easy today... tripped a few times but I did every jump and did a couple extra after the couple trips... wanted to ensure I got them all in.  My legs started shaking in the middle of the second set of lunges... I was going to do the least that we were asked to do- but when doing them- I pushed out the 10 each because I really want to get the most out of this and I am guessing these will be the easier of all workouts so "enjoy" them while I can.  Pushups were not as painful as I thought they would be... I actually did them a little different.  I did 4 sets of 5 reps starting out didnt the minimum but added the extra set to make up for the less reps... I am too competitive with myself and I am not a liar so didnt want to cheat myself or my support system.  The legs lifts were a breeze during the 1 set and had no back popping like I usually do when I try these activity... but sure enough- not knowing what changed the back popping started and continued through the 2nd and 3rd set....  I do have bulging discs in my lower back but I am hoping this will be less and less of an issue as I build my core and the strength in my lower back.
So... I was sooooo happy and proud that as much as I wanted to skip my workout tonight because I certainly got one today running around the volleyball court - it is time for me to sign out and fall asleep because I am exhausted....  cant wait to be sore all over tomorrow ...            NOT!!!

Good night everyone....  sad that the Pats lost tonight

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 1 Photo

Day 1... Only 89 more to go!

Hello Everyone! 

I finally made it to this blogging spot and figured out how to post...  I will be very lucky if posting will the most challenging part of these 90 days  :)  I know, wishful thinking.  I am looking forward to this adventure, committment, change, and \ friendships... miles and miles apart and some not so far apart.
I am pretty lucky in this journey as I have two co-workers participating in this project with me.  Having this support system and energy not to give up and to be able provide the support to them is very exciting for me.  I look forward to seeing all of our results.

Blogging is brand new to me, so I will start off this with a little about me.  I live in Massachusetts, United States and have lived here my entire life.  I am 35 years of age and am not married, nor do I have children.  I have participated in sports since I was 6 years old and continue to play sports today.  I am actively playing volleyball at least 3 times a week and using this project to really improve my performance to be ready for the National tournament at the end of May.  I am only 5'4" so I would love to working increasing my vertical to help with blocking and spiking skills..... but I am a setter so being short is not so terrible.  I also participate in broomball leagues, softball leagues and kickball leagues throughout the year.  I will share more about me over the next 89 days ....  and I look forward to learning more about all of you.

Soooo.... today was the first day of the project.  The diet is to eat half of what you would normally eat....  that is pretty easy for me as I dont eat too much anyway.  My schedule causes me to skip lots of meals because I dont take the time to plan my meals and pack for the day to travel with me.  I am looking forward to this project so I can learn more about nutrition and being more structured and disciplined about eating.  I have a hard time eating when I dont feel hungry but I am sure that will change with all the exercises that we have in addition to my normal activities.  So today I will share what I ate and look forward to the changes in the future.  I had a Healthy Choice- Chicken Carbonara Dinner, glass of milk and Starbucks Mocha Frappachino.....  I know it is not enough to feed my body but I am looking forward to the future changes.

The first workout is complete and I am happy that I have taken the first step to this new beginning.  The jump roping was pretty easy for me.  The squats were successful as well, but I get concerned when I do them only because my left knee sounds like Rice Krispy cereal when you poor milk in it....  I have had 6 knee surgeries on my left knee over the years....  there is no pain with them- just fear because of the sound- but I am working to overcome that my completing what I am asked to do.  The push ups were tough at the end.  I went for 8 reps in each set... and I certainly struggled in my final set and I had a similar experience with the sit ups....  but I look forward to crushing these reps and sets in the future.

I have blogged more than I thought I would... thank you for sharing this journey with me and I cant wait for tomorrow's experience!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011